WhatsApp Finally Implements Multilogin for Multiple Devices

Ethan James 04 Jun 2021

Think what you want about security reasons, but using one WhatsApp account on multiple devices has been just a dream until recently. Even to use it on your computer, you needed a phone with WhatsApp running at the same time. It may be more secure than multilogin you can enjoy on Telegram or Facebook Messenger, yet less comfortable.

It seems that in 2021 WhatsApp finally gets multi-device support.At least, that’s been confirmed by both Will Cathcart, the current CEO of WhatsApp, and Mark Zuckerberg. Namely it was Zuckerberg who confirmed multilogin coming. In addition, it may mean – finally – a decent cross-platform syncing and storing your messages and attachments in the cloud. Last but not least: WhatsApp for iPad may finally appear, and with multi-device support it will make more sense than it would before.

Now the developers have to make it secure. Multilogin means that other people who have access to your devices can read your chats while you’re away with another device. How will you prevent it? There are tools like total logout, or access check, or so in other messengers that support it. But Facebook may invent something new for that purpose, trying to both make use of big data and promise its users the highest security. Let’s see what’s up.

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