Twitter Copyright Protection System Stopped Working Correctly

Grace Edwards 23 Nov 2022

Recently, Twitter temporarily closed all of its offices, which caused concern among users. The site is still working, despite the difficulties that arose after the purchase of the company by Elon Musk. Among other issues, it looks like the copyright strike/takedown system is also not working properly.

According to Forbes, the system stopped working after a user posted the full movie 'The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift'. The film was uploaded as 50 short clips of 2 minutes each. On November 20, these tweets were deleted. However, this does not mean that the problem has been solved. When the copyright strike/takedown system worked properly, the content was never actually taken down.

Previously, platform users continued to see the tweet, but the content was missing. Instead, they saw the text 'the media cannot be displayed'. According to Forbes, it is likely that the account that uploaded the full movie in 50 tweets was manually banned. But some users were still seeing this thread on mobile. Other accounts also continued to upload films as a series of two-minute clips.

The company's official copyright policy states that Twitter is committed to responding to all reports of alleged copyright infringement. So the incorrect operation of the system can lead to very serious consequences. Twitter could face legal issues and DMCA claims if it fails to get the copyright strike/takedown system working properly. Since about 75% of the employees have left the company, many aspects are broken or not working properly. At the moment, things are snowballing on Twitter as we constantly receive news about attacks, breakdowns and problems in the company.

Do you think that the social network will not cope with all the issues and will close soon? Share your opinion in the comments.

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