Fortnite Will Go Musical

Grace Edwards 26 Nov 2021

Recently, Epic has acquired Harmonix — the studio responsible for the Dance Central and Rock Band series. Now, it will produce exclusive stuff for Fortnite too.

Starting this, Harmonix and Epic Games will be working a sweet unison. The studio that brought us the Rock Band games is now a part of Epic’s metaverse.

The deal was made, to bring “musical journeys” to Fortnite, which sounds intriguing and vague at the same time.

Even though Harmonix has lost its independence, it won’t abandon the old projects. First, they’ll continue updating the Rock Band 4 content. And some online commentators have a weak hope that Rock Band 5 might become real under Epic’s management.

Old game servers won’t be taken down, either. And also, Harmonix’s titles will remain on Steam: there are no plans to make them Epic Game Store exclusives.

Epic has been hard-nosed with its collabs lately. Shows, other games like Fall Guys, and music artists have had cameos in Fortnite. 

One of the recent collaborations is centered around Radiohead’s double album Kid A Mnesiac. You can check the virtual gallery based on the album artwork and themes, which center on loneliness, isolation, and bittersweet tragedy.

Epic Games made a statement about the acquisition: “Music is already bringing millions of people together in Fortnite, from our emotes to global concerts and events.”

So, probably, there will be party-like events in Fortnite and missions that feature choreography. 

Since the game already has dance emotes, they can take it a bit further and add dancing to new challenges, akin to San Andreas short missions based on rhythm.

The Harmonix collab might pave the way for more similar collaborations — TikTok or one of its less successful clones could also make it to Fortnite’s universe one day.

Which collabs would you like to see in Fortnite next time? Let us know in the comments!

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