An Old Friend in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

There are still things to expect from Activision this year. For example, the biggest anticipation of the gaming community is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. So far, we don’t know so much about the game, but its predecessor has been a real hit for the company, selling over 30 million copies. We can only guess what this part will feature.
The players got lucky recently because the developers decided to spoil some of the fun about CoD: Modern Warfare 2. Now, we can be sure that there are two new maps: Grand Prix, set at a race track, and Farm 18, which seems to get inspiration from Shoothouse from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. The said map was pretty popular in the community. There are spots where you can fully immerse into the chaos of the battlefield or take a breather in a hidden corner.
It looks like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 wants to implement the best bits of the franchise and give them a new side. We will see how it goes on the official multiplayer beta in September. CoD: Modern Warfare was a success for Activision, but not without setbacks. For example, the Piccadilly map has received a lot of criticism for its level design and accessibility.
Hopefully, developers know how to learn from their own mistakes, and we will be able to check out Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 without any trouble. The official release is on the 28th of October for PC, Xbox, and PlayStation. For now, the beta version of the game will show the actual progress the company has made over the last few years.
Activision has gotten itself in some scandals lately, but we expect the developers to step onto the right way of creating new content. There are more official statements to consider from the company about the so-awaited game.
Will you take part in the CoD: Modern Warfare 2 beta? What additions do you expect to see in the game? Feel free to express your thoughts and contribute your ideas by commenting below.
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