PICO PARK game logo



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PICO PARK is a collaborative action game designed for local or online multiplayer, where participants must unite their efforts to tackle puzzles and advance through various stages. Each level has its own unique logic puzzle, and the game requires players to communicate and cooperate effectively to succeed.


In PICO PARK, players embark on a puzzle-filled adventure where collaboration is key. Players will tackle various levels, each offering distinct puzzle challenges that demand teamwork and strategic thinking to overcome. The game introduces unlockable content, inviting players to complete objectives for additional avatars and power-ups. With a multitude of hidden collectibles scattered throughout the journey, the game promises a rewarding and interactive experience. Though primarily controlled by a keyboard or gamepad rather than a mouse, PICO PARK's gameplay is engaging and involves actively moving characters and interacting with the environment across several themed stages. To successfully escape the confinement of a "dog house" scenario and traverse through subsequent areas like the yard and beyond, players will gather useful items aiding in their quest for freedom. For gaming enthusiasts looking to try PICO PARK, the game is readily available for download.


PICO PARK boasts bright, vivid visuals in a whimsical, animated aesthetic. The visuals are not aiming for realism but instead offer clarity and charming details, making it easy to identify characters and objects within the game world. The graphics support the playful tone of the game, ensuring a clear and appealing experience without competing for the title of most graphically advanced. The simplicity of the graphics serves the gameplay well, focusing on functionality over visual extravagance.


PICO PARK is designed with replayability in mind. Players will find a range of activities and numerous levels that can be approached in different ways, enhancing the game's longevity. Additionally, the various power-ups and tasks to complete for additional content keep the experience fresh and give players reasons to return. While some may feel the game loses its novelty after the initial playthrough, the dynamic of playing with others can vary each session, offering new experiences and making it appealing for repeated play.


  • Graphics and Sound 8.0

  • Controls 8.0

  • Gameplay 9.0

  • Lasting Appeal 9.0

PICO PARK may not be the premier game in its genre, but it provides an entertaining and engaging experience, particularly for those who enjoy cooperative challenges. Although the gameplay may become monotonous for certain players, the game captivates with its meticulous detail and a pronounced focus on collaborative play, offering a persuasive option. Its straightforward but impactful visuals enhance a gaming adventure worth delving into, particularly for players who value the subtleties of working together to solve puzzles in a laid-back environment. Overall, PICO PARK stands as a worthwhile game, especially for gatherings with friends or for enjoying with others online.

  • The graphics are bright and colorful;
  • There is a high replayability value;
  • The game is fun and challenging;
  • There is a wide variety of things to do;
  • There is a lot of things to design;
  • The graphics are not realistic, but they are very detailed;
  • The game is addictive;
  • The game is not very realistic;
  • The game can be repetitive;
  • The game is a little difficult to learn;
  • There is a lot of waiting time;

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